Sunday, May 25, 2008

remember march 8

The March 8 general elections is a starting point for a free and democratic elections
Certainly, Pak Lah has paid the price for being too open in his approach or doing nothing at all in
his administration resulting in the voters to see him to lack on his credibility.
He has also failed to deliver on his promise for reforms especially in the fight against corruption. Following the charges laid on Eric Chia and Kasitah Gaddam and Razak Baginda, there are no other high profile people being charged despite we know there are still many out there.
For example, why was Tan Sri Isa Samad not charged although he was found guilty and sacked as a vice president of Umno. Eric Chia was subsequently released, when his charges did not fall through.
Why why is Pak Lah so slow and as a result, we the rakyat are facing the consequences.

However, I must point out that the rise of the opposition is a welcome change.
Use the power that you have to administer the five states well, or else there would be a change in the next general election which eventually maybe not to far looking at the current circumstances.

Friday, May 23, 2008

History for the children

Being a former journalist, I used to write for my paymasters. However, having recently resigned from the media line. I think it is worthwhile that I try and enter into this blogging world to see whether I can make an impact.

What I am concerned is the history of our children. Since we lost the Batu Putih case, it leaves a black mark on Malay or Malaysian or Johor history for this island is now legally owned by Singapore.

This is a big blow to Pak Lah's administration following earlier setbacks that saw Tun Dr M resigning from Umno and bringing along with him several supporters.

I am truly concerned the fate of our children.